
It is important to buy a swimsuit fabric label to see the pH of the provisions of the formaldehyde content

Summer,public swimming exhibit very high enthusiasm.Accompanying is the swimwear for women,swim trunks selling products.However,the reporter found that the current market 
swimwear quality varies greatly.Shijiazhuang Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision Xianjian the experts advise,swimwear posted as wearing special clothing,"knitted 

swimsuit"standard swimwear fabric ph value,formaldehyde content,fiber content,such as making the relevant requirements,consumers buy swimwear,be sure to carefully read 


Reporter visited the market found in different places selling price is also very different swimsuits.In general stalls,a women's swimsuit only three $ 40 men's 
swimming trunks 10 yuan can buy one.However,to a large shopping mall,a cheap tankini swimwear at least three or four hundred,including a Lycra swimsuit women,is as high as 1,300 

yuan.So what about it to buy a swimsuit? 

"As water swimming places often contain chemical ingredients,so as a special swimsuit costume wearing stickers,and selection must not be vague."Experts 

Shijiazhuang,Xian Jian told reporters,"knitted swimsuit"standard swimwear fabric ph value ,formaldehyde content,fiber content made ​​relevant requirements "clothes,ph 

value such as swimwear wearing stickers requirements between 4.0-7.5,formaldehyde content of less than equal to 75 milligrams per kilogram."
Here,experts remind consumers to take a closer look when choosing swimwear label,in addition to comfort and personal is also very important,swimwear tighter than some 

normal clothes,one is elastic fabric dictates,on the other hand,after the water,water gravity will drag sexy beach online phenomenon,if not personal,it is easy to fall in 

risk.Meanwhile,the selection should be fit for kids swimwear,bright colors dominated in terms of color,so that parents can always noticed that the child's behavior.

